Anaya Dining Chair

Anaya Dining Chair

How to Do Pranayama, Types of Pranayama & Their Benefits in Daily Life

12 Apr How to Do Pranayama, Types of Pranayama & Their Benefits in Daily Life

Posted at 18:51h in Pranayama 10 Comments

Today, more and more people from different walks of life are opting for Yoga. Yoga is more than asanas. It's a complete lifestyle that promotes holistic health. Prana is the vital component that sustains life. "Pran" mean bio-energy and "ayama" means to control or regulation. There are various types of Pranayama, and their benefits in daily life are unlimited.

Most people go through life without even being aware of how many breaths they take in one minute. Breathing of such people is generally slow and erratic. Daily pranayama trains the lungs and improves the capacity of respiratory system immensely. Pranayama directly works on the nervous system. Daily Pranayama positively affects autonomic nervous system which controls and governs essential functions of the body like the heart rate, respiration and blood pressure etc.

How to do daily Pranayama?

Some valuable pointers to consider for your daily pranayama practices

  1. Place should be ventilated
  2. Mornings and evenings are an ideal time for the pranayama practices
  3. Everyday about 15 minutes of pranayama
  4. Place should be neat and clean free of dirt, pollutants and pollutants.
  5. Make it a point to practice every day at same place and time
  6. Place should be distraction proof
  7. Daily pranayama practice should be done on an empty stomach (at least 4 hours after any meal/snack consumption)

Recommended daily pranayama's and benefits

Yogendra Pranayama- IV; diaphragm breathing.

The diaphragm is exercised in this Pranayama. The diaphragm is a musculo-membranous partition, separating the thoracic and abdomen cavities. When relaxed it is convex, but it flattens during inhalation, thereby enlarging the thoracic cavity and allowing for the expansion of the lungs. This Pranayama is done in the supine position, as the position aids optimal movement of the diaphragm.

Recommended Practice -10 rounds/session – to a count as per individual capacity and comfort

(Limitations- None)

Watch the video for details:

Yogendra Pranayama- IV Benefits-

  1. Digestive organs stay active.
  2. Reduces fat collected around the stomach.
  3. Improved breathing – vital capacity and tidal volume improve.
  4. Leads to quietude and inner harmony.
  5. Sedative effect on the nervous system – relaxes the entire body.

Yogendra Pranayama-IX; alternate nostril breathing (Anuloma-Viloma).

We normally inhale and exhale for approximately 1 ½ half hours from one nostril and then unconsciously the other nostril takes over for the same period. This pranayama is practised to regulate the natural way of breathing which brings balance between positive and negative effects of breathing on both the body and mind.

Recommended practice – Practice daily, five rounds/ day

(Limitations- Children under 12 years should not practice. Cardiac patients should NOT exceed their time capacity)

Watch the video for details ->

Yogendra Pranayama-IX Benefits-

  1. Favourable pressure changes in lungs for better oxygenation.
  2. Experience quietude and inner harmony.
  3. Sedative effect on the nervous system – concentration is improved
  4. Balances the energies in our system which helps cope with pains and aches.

Yogendra Bhramari; bee breath.

Bhramari comes from the Sanskrit word 'Bramar' – a black Indian bee. The resounding echo of the sound made by a humming bee is replicated in the practice of this technique. The humming sound resonates in the head region. The sound helps in bringing forth a sense of unity and concentration.

(Limitations- None)

Method -Bhramari Pranayama

Starting position: Do preliminary conditioning in Sukhasana or any other meditative posture. Sit on a firm chair with an erect backrest, if unable to sit on the floor. Keep the body above the waist straight and the spine erect.

Method: Inhale fully and then exhale slowly, smoothly and continuously in a controlled manner from the nostrils with a little force, making a humming sound like the black bee.  Keep the mouth closed throughout the practice. The sound need not be very loud but should create the vibrations.

Recommended practice – Practice 5 rounds/session, with pause in-between rounds. Should Not to be practised lying down.

(Limitations – None)

Bhramari Pranayama Benefits

  1. Has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system (ANS)
  2. Restores the elasticity of lungs and beneficial in Asthmatic conditions.
  3. Practised daily it induces meditative states and quietens the mind.
  4. Beneficial in relieving hypertension and stress.
  5. It relaxes the mind and lowers stress and reduces tension and anxiety.
  6. It helps to reduce anger and frustrations.

Daily Pranayama slows the ageing process. It makes your skin glow and releases toxins. Provides stillness of mind and provides lightness in your body. Helps in weight reduction and melts excess fats. Breathe easy with daily pranayamas. Daily Pranayama is a holistic wellness practice for mind, body and soul.

Turn back the clock with few simple but very powerful pranayama techniques. Try today.

Must read:

Yoga Sutra of patanjali – Dr. Jayadeva & Hansaji

Also, check out Specific Health Camps ->

Anaya Dining Chair


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